Thursday, January 2, 2020

Complex Organizations And Its Evolution - 1944 Words

Complex Organizations and its Evolution Change and evolution are key elements for proper development. Our society wouldn’t be the same today if it didn’t change in different phases of time. As humans, we have an ever-changing perspective and for generations, we have been changing our views and perspectives. Organizations are no different. They also had to go through different sets of changes in order to evolve into what we see them as now. Organizations are a class of socially assembled innovations, and it’s constructed deliberately to act as solutions to specific social or financial problems. There are different forms of organizations. Some forms have been around for centuries, such as the army, Churches or solitary camps (Child, 2012). But the term ‘complex organization’ had only come to light after the Industrial Revolution. That was the time when people started taking complexity theories for granted. These organizations are molded by the environm ents or perspectives in which they are established. Modern organizations that we see today are reflections of their historical origins, and they are enjoying more and more influences over the society these days. Organizations come in a wide and puzzling variety of forms, as they have been specifically designed to deal with a vast range of problems and also because they have emerged from a diverted range of environmental conditions (Child, 2012). So this essay will talk about the evolution of complex organizations over the years,Show MoreRelatedEvolution and revolution as organizations grow757 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Evolution and revolution as organizations grow Growing organization move through 5 phases of development, each of which contains a relatively calm period of growth that ends with a management crisis. Each developmental phase is strongly influenced by the previous one. 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