Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Essay on Atkins or Fadkins - 667 Words

Part 1 1. a. Proteins †¢ made of amino acids †¢ main functions - cell synthesis and repair, energy as needed †¢ examples - soy, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, animal products (milk, meats, cottage cheese, etc.) b. Carbohydrates †¢ made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen †¢ main functions - primary energy source, fat and protein metabolism, energy reserves in stored glycogen, blood glucose fuels brain and CNS †¢ examples - starch, sugars (breads, pasta, starchy vegetables, fruit sugars, simple sugars, etc.) c. Fats †¢ made of fatty acids glycerol †¢ main functions †¢ saturated sources (dairy products, meat, margarine, chocolate, coconut oil, etc.), unsaturated/MUFAs/PUFAs sources (safflower/olive/soybean oils, tuna, salmon, etc.) 2. The†¦show more content†¦This homeostasis is controlled by individual fat cells and when they get smaller it sends a signal to the brain to eat. 3. Metabolism is the sum of all chemical reactions that take place in the body and how fast the body utilizes the calories that we put into it. Body weight increases and decreases based on the amount of calories put in and the amount of energy we burn. 4. Increasing muscle mass does increase metabolism because all muscles have a resting energy requirement and more muscle utilizes more energy. 5. A diuretic is any substance that increases the amount of fluid excreted as urine. This can have a negative effect on homeostasis because it can make the fluid that the body actually needs leave too. 6. Exocrine glands, the liver and the kidneys remove toxins. A toxin is a biological poison. Some toxins are known to be stored in fat cells so it could be true that the more fat we have in our body the more toxic our body may become. 7. Yes, Mitchell has a body image problem. More health risks that can result from this are irregular heartbeat, heart failure, gastric rupture in a case of binging, dehydration, tooth decay, irregular bowel movements or constipation, peptic ulcers and pancreatitis. Part 3 1. Carbohydrates are made up of sugars. 2. Blood carries sugar in its stream for energy. Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which carbohydrate use is reduced and that ofShow MoreRelatedAtkins or fadkins Essay1252 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Katelyn Gibbs 1/30/14 Professor Hayes Anatomy and Physiology Atkins or â€Å"Fadkins† ? Questions: Section I: 1. First, find out what nutrients Janine and Mitchell are talking about. Using a biology textbook and the resources listed, describe what the following molecules are and what they are used for in the human body. List some specific examples of each. Also list major dietary sources of each. a. Proteins- macromolecules made of amino acids. Proteins have many functions inRead MoreEssay on Atkins or Fadkins Story Part 1 (not my work)840 Words   |  4 Pages† â€Å"From where?† Janine asks, looking Mitchell up and down. As you look at your friend, you have to agree with Janine: tall, lanky Mitchell doesn’t look like he has an ounce of spare fat on him. â€Å"Wait a minute,† Janine says, â€Å"You’re not on that Fadkins diet, are you? That diet where you eat all protein and no carbs?† â€Å"Yeah, I am,† Mitchell says, defensively. â€Å"I hear it’s really good. Someone my brother knows lost ten pounds in like a month.† â€Å"Don’t you know those high-protein diets are bad forRead MoreMetabolism and Biology Textbook Essay623 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿Atkins or ‘Fadkins’? by Karen E. Bledsoe Biology Department Western Oregon University, Monmouth, OR 1. Please go to School Wires for this link: 2. Read all of Part I: â€Å"Macronutrients and Energy†. When you are finished, answer the following questions: a) First, find out what nutrients Janine and Mitchell are talking about. Using a biology textbook and the resources listed, describe what the following molecules are and what they are used

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