Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Rape of Nanking - 1016 Words

Throughout The Rape of Nanking, the brutal massacre of thousands of innocent Chinese citizens is brought forth through the invasion of this ancient city taken over by the Imperial Japanese army. Iris Chang illustrates the graphic details of the murder and rape of these victims through the perspectives of different sides of the attack. Chang; furthermore, ties in the mass genocide and destruction displayed throughout the book with the example of the Japanese government’s desperate attempt to cover up the incident and the reluctance of the survivors to discuss it. In addition, the horrifying events of The Rape of Nanking only further motivated an uncontrollable desire for aggression, violence, and imperialism in the Asian community evidently†¦show more content†¦All of these factors ultimately led to the strategy to keep the incident of Nanking a secret for years to come. Chang warns of the threats to current society, through the dangers of an unchecked government, and the overuse of power and greed. Chang points out that many people, who had seen the aftermath of the town, continually denied the fact that it even happened and came up with reasons for what might have gone on. â€Å"General Nagano Shigeto stated in an interview to Mainichi Shimbun, â€Å"I think the Nanking Massacre and the rest was a fabrication†¦I was in Nanking immediately afterwards. Those women claiming to be sex slaves were in fact licensed Korean prostitutes†¦Japan had no choice but to go to war, because it was in danger of being crushed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Chang 203) Although Iris Chang’s book provides meaningful details and thoughtful interviews about the Nanking massacre, many argue that her book is seriously flawed. Donald Zagoria asserted, â€Å"Chang’s account, based on extensive interviews with survivors and newly discovered documents, is utterly compelling yet, at the same time, in places unbearable to read† (Zagoria 163). The novel is full of good intentions from Chang, but is also full of misinformation and harebrained explanations. Joshua Fogel suggested, â€Å"The book begins to fall apart when she tries to explain why such a horror took place. Part of the problem is her lack of training as a historian and part is the book’s dualShow MoreRelatedThe Rape of Nanking1097 Words   |  5 PagesNikolina Jovanovic Global Lit Accel Dudek April 4, 2014 Rape of Nanking In late 1937, the Japanese army brutally murdered and assaulted civilians in Nanking, China over a period of six weeks. This event in history was one of the most horrendous and also an event that is rarely talked about or taught in school. This part of history was known as the Second Sino- Japanese war. The Japanese had a contempt for the Chinese people, thinking that they were the lowest race on the planet. China had aRead MoreEssay on The Rape of Nanking2412 Words   |  10 Pagescity of Nanking, was one of the most atrocious events in history. This event has been named both the Nanking Massacre and the Rape of Nanking. The torturous, violent techniques used by the Japanese army upon Chinese civilians and soldiers including dehumanizing them, addicting them to drugs, and other perverse and violent acts, are some of the most grosteque methods ever recorded that could only be thought of by sadistic Japanese soldiers. The events committed by the Japanese army in Nanking, are equallyRead MoreThe Rape Of Nanking And The Art1504 Words   |  7 Pagesuniversality, parallels are easily drawn between Iris Chang’s The Rape of Nanking and the art that was being created in Europe and the United States during the time of Hitler’s reign, including the work Seligmann, Stael and A lbright. We must look to other global sources for this insight, due to the lack of photographic documentation in China and creation of art after the fact. The war crimes Japanese soldiers inflicted upon the people of Nanking are one of the most heinous examples of this idea of exterminationRead MoreEssay about Rape of Nanking1241 Words   |  5 PagesRape of Nanking In December of 1937, the Japanese Imperial Army marched into Chinas capital city of Nanking and began to murder 300,000 out of 600,000 civilians and soldiers in the city. The six weeks of carnage would become known as the Rape of Nanking and represented the single worst atrocity during the World War II era in either the European or Pacific theaters of war. The actual military invasion of Nanking was preceded by a tough battle at Shanghai that began in the summer of 1937Read MoreThe Rape Of Nanking By Iris Chang1402 Words   |  6 PagesThe Rape of Nanking, by Iris Chang, describes the Japanese atrocities that took place in Nanking, China during World War II. Throughout their takeover and occupation of Nanking, the Japanese soldiers were exceedingly cruel to the Chinese people. According to Chang’s account and analysis of the events that transpired, Japanese attitudes towards gender played a key role in the soldiers’ violent, cold-blooded actions, and Chinese attitudes towards gender kept the victims silent. In the late 1890s, tensionsRead MoreEssay on The Japanese Rape of Nanking, China879 Words   |  4 PagesIn December of 1937, the Japanese Imperial Army invaded Nanking, China. They killed 300,00 out of the 600,000 people in China’s capital city. The six-week rampage by the Japanese is now known as the Rape of Nanking and the single worst atrocity during WWII era in either the European or Pacific theaters of the war. Before Nanking was invaded a tough battle in Shanghai began the war in the summer of 1937. The Chinese put up a shocking battle against japan. This was slightly embarrassing to Japan becauseRead MoreIris Changs The Rape Of Nanking And The Forgotten Holocaust1416 Words   |  6 PagesNanking, now modern day Nanjing, was once the former capital of China, boasting a flourishing economy. However, the tranquility of the populous city would soon collapse. In 1937, the Japanese army attacked the capital, and for weeks bloodshed and rape ensued. In the midst of war, the city became dilapidated and riddled with destruction. The aftermath resulted in a debatable death toll, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of civilians and soldiers. 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We can learn how the horror of the war affects on women. Through out the Iris Chang’s The Rape of Nanking and the three of the art works during World War II, which are Henri Matisseà ¢â‚¬â„¢s Daisies in 1939, Wilhelm Freddie’s Portable Garbo in 1941, and JeanRead MoreHistory of Nanking Massacre1009 Words   |  5 Pageshorrific Nanking Massacre occur 70 years ago, its history is barely buried like many of the dead were at the time. The Nanking Massacre (also known as the Rape of Nanking) occurred as a part of the 2nd Sino-Japanese War, which would then become part of World War II. This war involved the Republic of China defending against the invading Japanese forces. Unfortunately, China was weakened due to a civil war between the Communists and the Nationalists, so it was easily invaded. The Nanking Massacre

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